
female cardinal  female cardinal
Female cardinal that came to visit  

screech owl showing wing  screetch owl face
A screech owl that was trapped in a garage. That wing display wasn't posed, it is just the way it landed.
We caught and released it. That's my gloved hand holding it in the second picture.

Another screech owl.  This one was sitting on our porch flower box about 8 ft from us about 5:00 pm one snowy December day.
His head was point almost directly backwards from his body.  I used a telephoto (400 mm equivalent) for this picture.

goldfinch on rail  goldfinch portrait
A goldfinch on our porch railing and ready for its close-up.  

female hummingbird  hummingbird landing  hummingbird perched
Female ruby throated hummingbird coming in for a landing.

ruby throated hummingbird male  male hummingbird landing  hummingbird
The male also made a safe landing despite some flight path congestion on approach.

goldfinch on deck  goldfinch on hand  bird on hand
Another goldfinch that came to our porch.

yellow shafted flicker  northern flicker
A northern flicker.

purple finch
A male purple finch

A slate-colored variety of the dark-eyed junco

A sharp shinned hawk.  We had to hold him to show you his talons.
You can see he is quite small for a hawk.

A couple of wild turkeys Nancy and I saw in the back yard of my son's home in NJ. 
I didn't need macro or telephoto lens for these shots.

This video was shot from our bedroom window.
There are about 35 turkey's in the flock.
They came to visit in the mid morning every few days for most of the month of December.

We were walking along a path and spotted this little fellow on a branch about 2 feet off the ground.
He was very still while I took several pictures and was still there half an hour later.
He is a robin fledgling.

A little Black-capped Chickadee that visited in December.

A flock of Eastern Bluebirds came through in December as well.
They checked out the accommodations we have provided near our house. 
They have moved on but I hope that they will be back in the spring.
For these pictures I tried out a new telephoto lens that I am just learning to use.

Nancy took several pictures of this visitor to our front deck.  A White-breasted nuthatch. 
She used a Nikon 5400 and was shooting in the macro mode.

A Yellowbellied Sapsucker (don't you just love that name). 
He didn't seem to mind showing off his wing markings.
I was holding on to his legs while I had his wing extended so that he wouldn't be injured if he tried to get away when I was holding on to his wing.

A hooded crow we saw in Egypt.

A Brown Pelican from Ecuador taken with a Kenko 8X afocal telescope attached to my camera.
This isn't a typical dive for fish, possibly he changed his mind at the last moment.
The Peruvian race of the Brown Pelican found in this area is considered a separate species by some authors.
It is larger than the other races, has fine white streaking on the feathers of the underparts, and has a blue pouch in the breeding season.

This little bird visited us in Kentucky in October.
We think she is a Magnolia Warbler in her way south for the first time.

Here is a Clarks Nutcracker we saw near Crater Lake National Park.
It was working hard getting seeds from the pine cone there at its feet.
I used my 8X telescope for this picture.  
The sun was nearly directly behind the bird which made getting a good exposure a bit of a problem.

Except as noted all the pictures above were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 950 using the macro setting and automatic exposure.
All were hand held.  No tripod or remote shutter were used.  If I used a telephoto lens I mentioned it in the caption.

The pictures below were taken with a Panasonic Luminix FZ100 with a 24X zoom lens.
All shots are hand held and automatic exposure.

Here are two different species of Galapagos Finches.
Note the different beak shapes, optimized for different food sources.
My identification is a Cactus Finch and a Medium Ground Finch.
If you have a more authoritative identification for these or others I would appreciate hearing from you.  Email corrections.

These are probably Medium Ground Finches.
Vegetarian Finch.

Yet another kind of finch.
Probably a Large Ground Finch.

Tentatively a Small Ground Finch and a Medium Ground Finch.

My guess is that this is a Large Cactus Finch.

These are probably Small Ground Finches
This is probably a large tree finch.

If you can help me more conclusively identify any of these finches please send me email.

Vermilion flycatcher, Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Mockingbirds, called that because of their appearance not their calls.

This Black Necked Stilt

Common Moorehen

Galapagos Penguin

These Blue Herons poised nicely.

The Yellow Warblers we saw here were very comfortable with us

Lava Gull (Leucophaeus fuliginosus) is one of the rarest gulls in the world, the entire population lives on the Galapagos islands and is estimated at 400 pairs
We must have seen a large fraction of them during our visit.

Blue Footed Booby

Frigate Birds

Brown Pelicans

For pictures of birds that we have seen when we were traveling (usually mixed in with other pictures) click here

My dad told me how to get this close to birds.  He said "All you have to do is sprinkle salt on their tail."


Copyright for all pictures: Alan Kuehner.
Send e-mail if you would like to use them. 
Permission for non commercial use will be granted, just let me know.
Higher resolution versions of these pictures are also available.

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